having a play

I think it’s so easy to forget why we started a creative business…and that’s to be creative. Cake design/baking is a little like the hairdressing industry, wherein your customers often come to you with an image and say ‘like that please’ and of course it’s easy to get stuck doing that, but actually we need to take time to sit and play, find our own designs and write our own rules. Our customers pay a premium to have a designer/maker produce their cakes, yes of course it is actually very useful sometimes to see a customers ideas, which can be other peoples designs. but ultimately they chose you for a reason…because they like your style!

So I’ve decided I need to take a few days each month to have a play and find a style that I love, sometimes that’s inspired by ceramics, fashion, nature, or maybe just how a pattern is formed from a splatter of buttercream. I’m testing myself at the moment to play with fondant as it’s not a medium I often use, so far so happy. Watch this space.


it's showtime!


Save the date!